Monday, June 9, 2008

Top 10 Things That Made Pregnancy More Comfortable:

10. Belly Band
I didn't use this as much as I thought I would, but it did come in handy a few times. You can wear it over your unbuttoned or even unzipped pants, and they will stay up. This was helpful when my regular pants were too small but maternity pants were still too big. Towards the end of pregnancy you can pull it over your belly to cover it when all your shirts are too small. You can go back to wearing it over unbuttoned/unzipped pants after the baby comes but you still have some weight to lose.

9. Under-the-belly pants

These were MUCH more comfortable than the ones you had to pull up over the belly. You have to keep pulling the over-the-belly pants up when they fall down, but the under-the-belly pants stayed put.

8. Naps

I was pretty much exhausted for 9 1/2 months, and I couldn't have made it without a nap here an there--especially during the first trimester!

7. Tums

Heartburn is a common symptom of pregnancy--no matter what you eat! There were a few weeks that I just kept a plastic bag full of tums in my purse to take with every meal.

6. Crocs
These were a lifesaver for a teacher who had to be on her feet most of the day! These also helped support my back. I had back problems before I was pregnant, but I didn't have much back pain at all during my pregnancy. I think part of that had to do with the fact that I wore these almost every day. I got some cute maryjane-style ones in black and brown.

5. Maternity Camisoles
So many maternity tops are low cut, and these help to keep things modest! Regular-sized camis will eventually get way too short as the belly grows!

4. Gaucho Pants
I had three pair, and I was able to wear them the entire pregnancy! The even neater part is--they weren't even maternity! Since they are stretchy they "grow" with you. I wore mine before, during, and after pregnancy! These were perfect to wear home from the hospital, as, although I was much smaller than when I had been admitted, I was still nowhere near my pre-pregnancy size.

3. What to Expect when You're Expecting
This book was an excellent resource to go to when I'd have some strange symptom that I wanted to make sure was normal. The chapters are divided up by each month of pregnancy, and they give details on what an expectant mom should be experiencing that month. There is even information for the first few weeks postpartum as well. I kept this one on the nightstand!)

Like What to Expect, this website was a great resource for making sure what I was experiencing was normal. It saved many unnecessary phone calls to the doctor. The site also has a weekly newsletter you can sign up to have sent to your e-mail. The newsletter details the development of your baby up until that point and includes a pic of what the baby looks like at each stage of development.

And for #1........

1. Experienced Mothers

I wouldn't have made it without a host of wonderful friends who were already experienced mommies. Thank you, Ashley, Amy, and MayMay!

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