Tuesday, August 28, 2007

So I decided to start a blog...

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Okay, so I have made fun of online journals for years. My sister has had a xanga site since college, and though I have enjoyed the benefits of keeping up with her via this insightful albeit impersonal way of communicating, I never thought I would start one myself. Who wants the whole world to have access to all of their personal thoughts, emotions, dreams, etc.? This is what I thought of blogs or online journals. But I've recently been rethinking the whole premise of "blogging," and I've decided that one of the beauties of this type of medium is that the writer alone decides what information to share and what to withhold. And at least the writers are writing, right?

You see, this is primarily the reason I decided to begin this blog--to write. From first grade through college I wrote--all the time. I wrote short stories, I wrote poems, I wrote news reports, I wrote features, I wrote--my favorite--creative non-fiction. I could go on and on. But then something happened just over four years ago: I graduated from college. I moved to a foreign country. I became a teacher. I moved back to the States a year later and continued in the "real" world. And my writing...stopped. Just like that. I was so busy living life that I simply let this one particular passion go. It's almost embarrassing.

So I've decided to start a blog. About what? I guess just about life. Sometimes it may not be that interesting, but to be interesting and entertaining is not my goal--at least not here. I simply want to re-hone my gift (or what I once thought was an area in which I had some talent).

No one may ever read my blog, and, really, that may be better. Perhaps this will just grant me ground to tread on until I am ready to enter the world of authorship once again.

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